
5/6/2018 9:02:03 PM +00:00
Words that I didn't know
Source Translation Phrase
stocky коренастый I think he was a stocky guy, bald.
stroll прогулка I was just taking a stroll.
idiosyncratic своеобразный An idiosyncrasy is an unusual feature of a person.
preposterous нелепо, абсурдно It was too preposterous.
smear мазок, клеветa publishing what he thought of as a smear
misgiving опасение explain all my misgivings
titillate щекотать, приятно возбуждать social media spreading things that are very titillating
contrive придумать a concept that was contrived
wane убыль, ослабевать your enthusiasm is on the wane.
helm шлем You may remove your helm.
exuberant буйный capital gets put to work less exuberantly and more deliberately
esoteric известный лишь посвященным On highly technical or esoteric types of content, the model can perform poorly.
crux трудный вопрос The crux of the issue really is...
stunned ошеломлен I was stunned, and I couldn't find the right words.
indigenous туземный, врожденный The epidemic among indigenous people are rare.
reckon считаться But we must reckon with the risk of excessive damage.
eminent именитый opposition from eminent physicists
hiatus пауза getting back into blog-shape after a long hiatus for travel
turd говно Millions have been flushed down the toilet by these turds?
vacuous пустой The vacuousness of LinkedIn got me thinking.
exacerbate усугубить This was exacerbated by the fact that I had pushed back.
adamant непреклонен Russian authorities remain adamant that the cause of the hole remains unknown.
shun сторониться Some companies shun public markets.
tout зазывают, рекламируют Many in the tech elites tout it as the answer.
dissent инакомыслие The government tightened control of dissent.
venue место проведения Today it is a museum and venue for cultural events.
gratuitous безвозмездный Procedure of provision and usage of gratuitous help.
taunt насмешка This taunt will continue to repeat itself.
imbue наполнить We would like to be able to imbue systems with generative model capabilities.
harbinger предвестник So is it the harbinger of super-intelligent robots?
behold созерцать And now behold, my joy is full.
accolade почести And he deserves the accolade.
shed пролить, сарай, сбросить Can you shed light on this?
vindicate оправдать That history would kind of vindicate him.
contraption штуковина The universe is so structured and orderly that we compare it to the most complicated and exact contraptions of the age.
bestow одарить But to bestow upon them our blessing.
leeway свобода действий, потеря времени She thought we weren't giving her enough leeway.
stark разительный The shriveled, brown peas are in stark relief to the green fields around it.
detrimental пагубный Stress can be debilitating and is detrimental to your health.
debilitating истощающий Stress can be debilitating and is detrimental to your health.
corroborate подтвердить Can you corroborate that?
omen предзнаменование And, no, that sign is not an omen.
prolific продуктивный The most prolific and electrifying wrestler of his time.
parsimony скупость
incredulity недоверие It's nothing but an argument from incredulity.
awry наперекосяк The authors still seem perplexed about why they went awry.
sinister зловещий gives these places very mysterious and sinister look.
pertain относятся These settings pertain to performance data transmission.
acumen хватка, сообразительность Put a job creator with business savvy and acumen, into office.
savvy подкованный, просвещенный, смекалка Put a job creator with business savvy and acumen, into office.
envoy посланник Washington’s envoy to NATO said on Tuesday.
scrutiny испытующий взгляд Standards promote ease of scrutiny.
paramount важнейший, верховный Oxygen supply to the lungs is paramount.
boast хвастаться, открывается We can not boast low prices.
rampant свирепствует, необузданный Software piracy decreases worldwide, but remains rampant.
blunt грубый, прямой, тупой We are blunt when sharing feedback.
affluence изобилиe, богатствo Affluence seems to be what’s behind capacity to delay gratification.
meddling вмешательство They denied meddling in the presidential election.
vehemently категорически, яростно He has vehemently denied any responsibility.
apprehend задержать, воспринять, арестовать They were trying to apprehend him when he used his powers.
instigator подстрекатель Removal of the instigator is often effective.
stalled заглох, застопорился, тупик He says the drive system stalled.
impasse тупик For decades researchers have stalled at this apparent impasse.
embellish украсить, приукрашивать You need to be imaginative and embellish your areas.
smothering удушение, тушение This can be the smothering pillow.
drudgery нудная работа Boring parts of jobs, drudgery like filling out forms, will disappear.
despise презирать His talented direct reports now openly despise him.
vouch ручаться Firing all contractors who are not personally vouched for by an employee.
doggedness упрямство Whose doggedness in following a chain of reasoning is untouched by considerations.